RE: An Amateur Pen-Test

From: Brown, Joel (jbrownat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 10:00:32 PDT

  • Next message: Tina Bird: "Re: how IKE works in case of Checkpoint Firewall"

    Max, The link you mentioned below is no bueno, seems to do the job
    >Try firewalk ( for firewall and ACL test. 
    >Also, if you want to delve deeper into the fun of pentesting, try social
    >engineering (call them and lie, and try to get passwords to routers, etc),
    >and try trashing, if you have access to their premisses.
    On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, David Fuller wrote:
    > My ISP has asked me to do a penetration test for them and I would like to
    > get an overview of what I should do short of running Nessus and banging on
    > there (IDS / Logs) door. I have gone over there network with a few scripts
    > and knowledge I have picked up from the list and Security Focus and I have
    > discovered all there class C address spaces, I have found two servers
    > vulnerable to a Unicode exploit and from there able to find out about a
    > host sitting behind a ACL / Firewall. Is there anything else I should be
    > doing... like testing there firewall and seeing if I can scan the network
    > behind it.
    > David.
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