Re: banking - does it belong online? II conclusion

From: Pawel Krawczyk (kravietzat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 27 2001 - 02:10:58 PDT

  • Next message: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña: "Re: pen testing iis 5"

    On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 11:14:12PM -0500, Kelvin wrote:
     From my experience in auditing FI it seems like they have great trust
    in software vendors indeed and it's so big that it's sometimes very
    difficult to convince them that something is really vulnerable, even if
    you show them hardcopy from sniffer with logins and passwords.
    We have been analyzing communications between main server and branch
    offices in one FI and they were simply performed over TELNET protocol
    with some GUI wrapper. The "encryption", mentioned by a trusted software
    vendor, cited frequently by our customer came out to be EBCDIC encoding.
    We could also easily observe whole SQL sessions with money transfers
    performed over unprotected TCP to a machine with predictable serials.
    Some managers at the office argued that there's no need to encrypt the
    data because the LAN works on Cisco's switch and it's impossible to sniff
    the data here, and over WAN. Impressing... Seems like the institutions
    are more willing to spend thousands of dollars for equipment than for
    several people with proper knowledge.
    Pawe³ Krawczyk *** home: <>
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