Re: pen testing iis 5

From: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña (jfernandezat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 01:09:13 PDT

  • Next message: DABDELMOat_private: "RE: how IKE works in case of Checkpoint Firewall"

    ExpLiciT escribió:
    > Greetings.
    > I am pen-testing IIS 5 [no hotfixes] running in WinNT 4.0 with no fixes.  At
    > this point I want to upload a file to the box [nc.exe] and then I will
    > definately have the box.  How can I go about doing this?
    	Since it is UNICODE bug-ridden, you can make *any* file using
    	cmd redirection (that is, unless they are using a different
    	partition for data, and there are no virtual dirs mapped to the
    	C: drive).
    	Anyway, you can create simple ASCII files using cmd.exe (need to
    	copy & rename it). Since you can do ASCII, you can do binary,
    	just create an uuencoded file and uudecode it locally. How?
    	Use to generate an auto-decoded ASCII file (.com)
    	and execute it remotely after downloading it using 
    	echo MASDFAJKDFAJFA >>file
    	Yes, it can be a pain, but it's easily automated...
    	Did I say I have such tool ready for prime time? I'll have to
    	wait until July 5th, however, to release two tools that	
    	*completely* automate this task. Yes, I've seen many tools
    	regarding UNICODE explotation, I just think mine will be
    	much more fun to use :)
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