Re: Nortel Security

From: banneditat_private
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 01:15:25 PDT

  • Next message: bluefur0r bluefur0r: "IIS 5 null.printer help"

    > I've been asked to review the security of our
    > Meridian PBX. I've searched Google & Yahoo and
    > find to much to aid me in this. Can anyone point
    me to
    > some good information on key things to
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Thad
    You may want to check passcode/PIN length anything
    below 8 number is fairly bad. Also key
    combinations migh be an interesting thing to check
    to see if there is a default method of bypassing
    the passcode/PIN. Also social engineering may help
    but that all depends on how you implement your
    attack and if the employer will allow this.
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