RE: Nortel Security

From: Mike.Ruscher@CSE-CST.GC.CA
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 15:06:22 PDT

  • Next message: H D Moore: "Re: Nortel Security"

    A good place to start would be to examine the security modelling
    documentation for the device.
    There should be a statement of security objectives included as part of the
    engineering documentation. A security policy defined, based on the security
    objectives, outlining the proposed security features/services to be
    implemented will provide the details of the product's security behaviours
    that were to be implemented. This should be followed up with design
    specifications for each of the identified security mechanisms that comprise
    the totality of the security features/services required to realize the
    product's written security policy, along with a correspondence or mapping to
    the policy features/services, since there will likely be necessary sharing
    of many of the lower level security mechanisms functionality for code
    reduction and other practical considerations.
    Once you have a complete understanding of the product's security design, you
    will be in a good position to 'review' the product's security, or will have
    done so, more or less.
    You should also be able to locate the product's security features test
    planning documents and detailed testing results which validate the security
    design to a certain degree.
    Now, as an added bonus, you are is a perfect position to perform some of
    your own tests, for things like undocumented features, behaviours etc. that
    could compromise the security policy, unless of course this had been done
    thoroughly during product testing already.
    I'm sure I have left out a few other things that could be examined, or done,
    as part of this particular review exercise, since they are typically very
    context  dependent, but not nearly as much as the dependency that the
    documentation actually exists, or that the product was designed with any
    adherence to standard security engineering principles.
    Good luck,
    Mike Ruscher, ITS Specialist I2, CSE/CST
    Phone: +1 613 991-8040
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Thad Horak [mailto:thadhorakat_private]
    > Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 11:45 AM
    > To: pen-testat_private
    > Subject: Nortel Security
    > I've been asked to review the security of our Nor-tel
    > Meridian PBX. I've searched Google & Yahoo and can't
    > find to much to aid me in this. Can anyone point me to
    > some good information on key things to audit/test?
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Thad
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