NEW IIS tools

From: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña (jfernandezat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 11:08:27 PDT

  • Next message: H C: "Re: snmp vulnerablities"

    	Yes, I know there are quite a number of unicode tools out there (Kevin
    Timm's fire-runner, H D Moore's, sec-1's, Ian
    Vitek's, however I promised it and here I release a new one.
    	Hopefully, since it's GPL, I can add contributions in order to fix the
    many TODOs I still have left. Still, these tools are usable enough.
    I include with this mail some tools I have developed in order to do
    penetration tests in IIS servers. Included are:
    1.- unicode-shell. Simulates a shell to execute commands to an IIS
    server. It's really delightful to do a 'ls' and see the results as if
    using a troyan (netcat) in the remote server.
    2.- echo-files. Allows remote generation of *any* file in an IIS server.
    This program generates the commands that can be given to a
    non-interactive execution of unicode-shell in order to use the IIS
    server as an FTP server.
    With this two tools you can penetrate-test an IIS server including file 
    downloads (using uuencode or adjointed 'netsend').
    3.- Downloadasp. This tool uses know vulnerabilities in IIS to download
    the source for ASPs in order to do a code audit in search of known bad
    habits in programming (like using user's input to generate SQL queries).
    4.- findasp.  This tool takes a local copy of a webserver and outputs a
    list of asp files.
    Findasp can "feed" downloadasp in order to retrieve the whole source of
    an IIS server.
    	I hope this four tools are useful for penentration testers out there. I
    would like to receive bug reports and improvements (although I will not
    be doing penetration testing for some time, so I might not be quick to
    	Best regards
    	Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

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