Re: Tool kit assembly

From: seclistsat_private
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 15:36:30 PDT

  • Next message: DA Smith: "Re: Tool kit assembly"

    Check out Talisker's Network Security Tools List
    Very comprehensive list of vulnerability tools and more.
    -- John
    Silent Creek Group
    At 12:07 AM 7/25/01 -0500, you wrote:
    >I've been lurking for awhile, and the vast amount of information that passes
    >through this list has left me with a problem, to much information to process
    >quickly :).
    >It look's like I will need to do some penetration test for the organization
    >I work for in the not-to-distant-future.  The problem is, I do not really
    >know where to begin as far as what programs would be appropriate.  The
    >organization I work for is currently just a Microsoft shop with very-few non
    >MS services/programs made available to the masses.
    >And here begins my request... I was wondering if anyone on this list could
    >give me recommendations of programs or websites that would be useful for
    >someone (such as myself) who is creating a 'tool kit'.  With the wide array
    >of programs available, I'd like to avoid getting programs that are not up to
    >par.  commercial or non-commercial is fine.
    >Thanks in advance for any help.
    >-Eric Van Skike
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