RE: [PEN-TEST] Deploying a Win32 Sniffer: The Answer

From: ansar mohammed (
Date: Tue Aug 14 2001 - 12:27:44 PDT

  • Next message: Meredith S: "RE: Emulating a wireless access point"

    The problem is that both require you to install a driver. This proggie
    doesn't. It only works with TCP traffic on the same subnet however.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Devdas Bhagat [mailto:devdasat_private] 
    Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 2:36 PM
    To: ansar mohammed; 'Penetration Testers'
    Subject: RE: [PEN-TEST] Deploying a Win32 Sniffer: The Answer
    On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, ansar mohammed spewed into the ether:
    > My apologies in advance since I have no website to post it on and I
    > only distribute the exe.
    Get a free site, plenty of those online. is a good one.
    And why not distribute the source as well?
    I think ethereal works on Win32 as well? and tcpdump also?
    Devdas Bhagat
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