Re: Mapping wireless LANS from the wired side

From: Ichinin (ichininat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 13:50:31 PDT

  • Next message: Mike.Ruscher@CSE-CST.GC.CA: "RE: Mapping wireless LANS from the wired side"

    anindya wrote:
    One additional note on that URL:
    The default password for Symbol AP's is: Symbol
    (IIRC, this apply to 22xx/24xx/3020/41xx AP's) 
    One additional thing for discovering AP's (rouge or not) is
    to connect to port 23 (if the telnet IF is active and not
    the serial IF), then simply identify the banners.
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA)
    Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which
    automatically alerts you to the latest security vulnerabilities please see:

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