Re: Mapping wireless LANS from the wired side

From: dcdave (dcdaveat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 09:25:20 PDT

  • Next message: ansar mohammed: "RE: ipforwarding enabled, what can I do"

    There is a wap-nmap available - not sure this is what you are looking for,
    check fyodor's site, or I have a link to it at
    (free resource page)
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <Mike.Ruscher@CSE-CST.GC.CA>
    To: <jshawat_private>
    Cc: <pen-testat_private>; <woodyat_private>
    Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 5:25 PM
    Subject: RE: Mapping wireless LANS from the wired side
    > I have no doubt that the wired side is the best approach for mapping one's
    > own KNOWN wireless clients and APs. However, the question I originally
    > concerns testing for active wireless devices on a network from the wired
    > side using wired LAN systems.
    > There is no guarantee that war-driving will find them all, especially when
    > they may roam and not always be up when sniffed by a wireless system. In
    > case, this is irrelevant to the requirement at hand.
    > What I am looking for I guess, is a "wmap" type of solution. (Fyodor?!)
    > It's like finding dial-up modems from the network side, not by
    > (or by war-driving in this instance). In this case it should be a lot
    > easier, since everything is TCP/IP still. A list of company device/MAC
    > associations is all that would be necessary is my guess and not just
    > company/MAC associations. Collecting them is not a great hardship I
    > though, by time-consuming and forever requiring support to be fresh and
    > complete.
    > mgr
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Joe Shaw [mailto:jshawat_private]
    > Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 6:06 PM
    > To: Mike.Ruscher@CSE-CST.GC.CA
    > Cc: pen-testat_private; woodyat_private
    > Subject: RE: Mapping wireless LANS from the wired side
    > On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 Mike.Ruscher@CSE-CST.GC.CA wrote:
    > > Yes, MAC addresses by vendor will identify the device company, if one
    > > assume they are valid and not spoofed. I do not see on the OUI site
    > > the MAC addresses are associated with a company's particular device
    > > though. This is essential for determining a wireless device from a wired
    > > one. Do most companies give this info out, or must it be extrapolated
    > > experience?
    > The best way to track down wireless gear is with your own wireless gear.
    > It's much easier than trying to find them using the wired LAN.  Trying to
    > find it any other way will just waste your time.
    > Regards,
    > --
    > Joseph W. Shaw II
    > Network Security Specialist/CCNA
    > Unemployed.  Will hack for food.  God Bless.
    > Apparently I'm overqualified but undereducated to be employed.
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