RE: Security Audit

From: Aleksander Czarnowski (alekcat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 02:33:17 PDT

  • Next message: Forrest Rae: "Re: Security Audit"

    Timeframes are hard to drawn only from your basic info. Some test take
    considerably longer than others. Also note that security audit is not only
    build from single checks or test. It takes a few hours to read 1000 pages of
    site security policy (actually it is rather bad idea to have those 1000
    pages implemented but this is just an example). What I would be concerned is
    the type of test or checks that IT security company want to perform and how
    that relate to your true needs in terms of security. For example: if strong
    password policy in NT is enabled than it makes probably no sense to run
    password cracker as such test might be very time consuming and not reaveal
    much additional information. On the other hand if IT security company have
    large resources such tests can take considerably shorter time. Network tests
    times depends on network architecture, network load, network services
    configuration etc. etc. You first need to define your needs for security
    tests or audit and then one can create a reasonable timeframe.
    Aleksander Czarnowski
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