Re: Security Audit

From: Forrest Rae (
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 12:52:15 PDT

  • Next message: R. DuFresne: "Re: Security Audit"

    Hi Todd,
    You bring up some very good questions:  :-)  When I say vulnerability
    assessment, I should have added "Automated" to the beginning.
    > What is the difference between vuln assessment and pen test?
    IMHO: It's a fine line between assessing possible access points and
    entering access points.
    > I have not done either but this seems like a highly subjective area to me.
    > Are you really going to do a vuln assess on a dynamic web site - with all
    > its custom scripts and database connectivity and possibly middleware - in 20
    > minutes?  
    I mentioned "Once Over" for a reason.  :P  This is just a base to work
    from.  Some customers want a view of 30,000 feet, some want a 100 feet.
    > It sounds like a vuln assess consists of running Nessus or
    > something similar, searching bugtraq archives and possibly throwing in a
    > google search for extra credit.
    Yes, that is basically one way you can accomplish it.  Nessus is a great
    tool when used properly can accomplish wonderful things.  (Baby Sit
    Children, Leap Tall Buildings, etc :-P )  Although, I wouldn't recommend
    giving customers canned nessus reports.  ;-)
    > Even on a workstation it seems like you couldn't get much done in 20
    > minutes.  I don't even see how you could reliably enumerate all the
    > installed software in less than 20 minutes.
    Are you going to really enumerate all installed software without
    penetrating the computer?  
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA)
    Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which
    automatically alerts you to the latest security vulnerabilities please see:

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