Security Audits

From: Steve Goldsby (
Date: Thu Sep 06 2001 - 21:45:21 PDT

  • Next message: Talha, Sebastien: "RE: DoS tools"

    It IS possible to get this down to a repeatable, predictable process.
    We've adopted the Keane Productivity Management (PM) Principles.   We've
    applied them to each engagement, developing project plans and schedules, and
    so now, with rare exception, we do a FULL security audit in 6 weeks.  This
    covers data collection, interviews, physical security, social engineering,
    policy, backup & recovery, etc etc etc.  And of course, the full scans.
    Things that bump this up are extra site visits or uncooperative staff.  As a
    sample, we've done :
    a 7 campus college.  750 page report.  6 weeks.
    a 16 campus hospital.  375 page report.  6 weeks.
    a 4 campus college.  260 page report.  6 weeks.
    I have a large national hospital in proposal now, but it requires visits to
    each of 20 operating locations nationwide.  This one will take  14 weeks due
    to travel...
    The point to all this rambling is this:  if you break your assessment into
    discrete components, and follow your project plan each time, you will find
    risk factors that could cause problems, and you'll end up modifying your
    process to accomodate them.
    We always bill T&M, and to date have NEVER come in over budget.  Ever.
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA)
    Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which
    automatically alerts you to the latest security vulnerabilities please see:

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