Performing a Security Audit

From: Dustin Puryear (dpuryearat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 14:23:04 PDT

  • Next message: Justin Stanford: "Re: Security Audit"

    A client I work for has requested that I perform a security review of a
    cluster that I am helping them on. I have experience in hardening
    systems, but I do NOT have experience in performing a formal top-down
    I scanned the pen-test archives, including the recent "Security Audit"
    thread, but didn't find anything that had a subject line that caught my
    eye. Also, I tried using the search tool, but it
    reports it is not available "at this time." Oh well on that front.
    Can anyone provide links to sites or books or just be helpful by
    providing information on how a security review is approached? I am not
    really looking for information on analyzing a particular system or
    trying to exploit a given service--that information is more than readily
    available on the net and at the bookstore. Rather, I would like an
    overview of how a security audit is performed. Something on the lines
    o Create Security Audit Outline
    	1. List items to be evaluated
    		o web service
    		o smtp
    o Review AU, InfoSec, and XYZ Policies
    o Perform System Analysis
    	1. Determine running services
    		o http
    		o smtp
    o Attempt Exploits
    Also, how should results be organized? How are reports organized? 
    And what about checklists? 
    Etc, etc.
    Any help would be appreciated!
    Regards, Dustin
    Dustin Puryear <dpuryearat_private>
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