RE: L0phtcrack

From: Ockens Thomas (Thomas.Ockensat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 10:33:39 PDT

  • Next message: Leif Sawyer: "RE: 802.11B and libpcap"

    > I'm not sure of JtR will do both Lan Manager hashes and NT 
    > hashes, like LC3.
    > It does Lan Manager hashes, though.
    I have not seen JtR unpatched[1] come up with 'NT passwords' yet (the
    case-sensitive kind), but I use vanilla JtR in conjunction with Cain[2] -
    have JtR crack the LanMan hash, spit out all-uppercase password.
    Start up Cain, import the pwdump-formatted file that JtR works on into the
    SMB tab (kind of intuitive, eh?), right-click the account in question, and
    choose 'test password'.
    A dialog box appears, allowing you to enter the case-insensitive password
    you just received from JtR.  The NTLM equivalent, be it uppercase, lowercase
    or mixed case, will then appear to the right of the LanMan password.
    I reckon this is kind of useless when you don't get any lanman hashes flying
    over the wire, or can't pwdump them for any reason, but it's neat to get the
    case of a given password real fast, without having to worry about lockout or
    any such nastiness.
    [1] NTLM patch available @
    [2] Cain available @
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