netcat problem

From: Roni Bachar (roniat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 04:53:52 PDT

  • Next message: Ilici Ramirez: "Server initiated remote shell"

    Hi All,
    i am trying to use the netcat to do a reverse connection from a 9x box to a
    win2k box
    but it doesnt work so good it does the connection and  i get a shell but
    when i am trying to run a command like dir for exapmle it
    doesn't do nothing.
    the command i am using on the 9x box is nc <ip remote machine> <portx> -e and on the win2k i puting a listener
    with the command nc -v -l -<portx>.
    i have tried to do the same thing from a win2k box to a win2k box and it
    works realy fine.
    the question is does sombodey knows how can i do a reverse connection from a
    9x box to a win2k box using netcat?!
    Thanks For All The Help
    Roni Bachar
    Avnet Deloitte&Touche
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