Server initiated remote shell

From: Ilici Ramirez (ilici_ramirezat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 07:23:11 PDT

  • Next message: Ilici Ramirez: "Re: Remote shell on Win9X - Summary"

    Lets suppose that I can execute a program on an inside
    host on a network protected by a firewall. There is no
    way in. But there is a way out to www browsing on port
    So the client could connect to any Internet address on
    port 80. What program should it execute to provide me
    with a shell? Of course I'm in Internet with a
    listener. What listener?
    The firewall is a real statefull firewall so no TCP
    ACK or ICMP encapsulations. 
    Have a nice weekend too.
    Ilici R
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