Re: BO2k Port?

From: Daniel Roethlisberger (danielat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 09:42:20 PDT

  • Next message: Dawes, Rogan (ZA - Johannesburg): "RE: CORKSCREW 2.0"

    PM Systems - Rick Woehler <RWoehlerat_private> wrote:
    > Doing an audit on a gov agency with a Raptor Firewall. I was
    > shocked to see nmap repeatedly reporting 31335 and 31337 UDP
    > open on the firewall. I'm told by my firewall guys that Raptors
    > and VelociRaptors install with all ports closed and ports have
    > to be specifically opened to allow traffic. I can't imagine the
    > person that installed this firewall would allow those ports.
    First off, 31337/udp was only used by good old BO 1.2 (SirDystic's
    original BO), and not BO2K (which has no real default ports, and
    can use TCP too).
    Second, nmap reporting open UDP ports is due to the way UDP is
    designed to work: a closed port sends an ICMP port unreachable
    back, while an open one sends back nothing (as UDP is
    connectionless it is generally up to the listening application to
    send UDP datagrams back or not). So essentially, there's no way to
    distinguish firewalled and open UDP ports. I suspect that the
    thing you scanned just drops all packets on those UDP ports,
    that's why you see them open in nmap.
       Daniel Roethlisberger <danielat_private>
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