Re: ICMP unreachable question

From: Crist J. Clark (cristjcat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 19:50:51 PDT

  • Next message: Ofir Arkin: "RE: Do ICMP re-directs actually work ?"

    On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 11:05:24AM +0100, Steve Culligan wrote:
    > I'm interested in a particular ICMP packet which seems to change the client 
    > / servers MTU size.
    > The scenario is like this
    > client----------->Router-vpn-vpn-vpn-vpn-vpn-Router --------------->Firewall 
    > ------------->Server
    > - Client initiates a connection with the server and starts to transmit data.
    > - Router places its ESP header on the packets coming from the server which 
    > brings the MTU over the maximum size
    > - Router sends the following packet back to the server
    > 	icmp: 172.*.*.*  unreachable - need to frag (mtu 1454)
    > - ICMP packet from the router gets blocked by the firewall and the 
    > connection is eventually lost as the router cannot handle this MTU size.
    > but
    > If the Firewall permits the ICMP packet from the router through to the 
    > server, the server will lower its MTU and continue the connection.
    > So my question is , Can this be used as a denial of service attack to 
    > continually send these ICMP packets to a server to confuse it or bring it 
    > down.
    > Anybody had any experience with this or know any tools which can generate 
    > these ICMP reachable packets ?
    It is unlikely that you could actually bring down a server with these
    packets. The worst you can probably do is degrade service. In order to
    do this, the hostile party would have to be able to sniff the data
    stream. There are any number of potential attacks someone can perform
    if they can sniff your data. This particular attack is one of the less
    devistating and more complicated ones so it is unlikely to be used.
    I am not aware of a specific tool that builds ICMP "destination
    unreachable, fragmentation required and DF-bit set"-messages. You can
    use a tool like hping to make your own at the command line. Building a
    quick C program to build them is trivial.
    IIRC, there was a recent thread about the potential for someone to
    flood networks by causing very small packets to be sent. I do not
    think the attack would work. You could degrade the performance of the
    connection attacked, and possibly the machine being attacked, but not
    the whole network (at least not without combining some other attacks
    with it). 
    Crist J. Clark                           cjclarkat_private
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