Re: How to sniff packets from afar?

From: Penetration Testing (pentestat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 08:56:04 PST

  • Next message: ET LoWNOISE: "Re: How to sniff packets from afar?"

    On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, Shawn Duffy wrote:
    > [snip]
    > I was wondering if any knows of a way to sniff packets from either his
    > VPN tunnel connections or traffic through his firewall when you cannot
    > connect directly in between his ISP and router.
    If you can own his router you may be able to capture traffic from it and
    tunnel it back to your machine.  I believe that this was discussed in
    Phrack about 2 or 3 issues back.
    > I was told it is possible, but I don't see how.  Also, would anyone know
    > how to tap a T1 line from a dmark without disrupting service and without
    > knowing the parameters?
    You would want to be careful with this.  Even if your friend provides you
    with authorisation it would probably constitute wiretap and could land you
    in a heap of trouble with the local authorities (and the carrier).
    Just my $0.04 AUD worth...
    Dave Taylor
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