Re: Need Novell vuln. scanner ASAP!

From: R. DuFresne (dufresneat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 15:17:29 PST

  • Next message: Dug Song: "Re: How to sniff packets from afar?"

    My info here is dated, and I'm sure this tool has been updated, but, from
    the original release posting to the firewalls lists, a tool that may well
    suit yer needs:
                              Nomad Mobile Research Centre
                                 A N N O U N C E M E N T
                            Simple Nomad [thegnomeat_private]
                                   Product : Pandora v4.0 Beta 2
                                  Platform : Windows 95/98/NT
                                             X on Linux
    Jitsu-Disk has been very, very busy.....
    Pandora v4.0 beta software has been updated. The new Pandora v4.0 *Beta 2*
    software is now available. It still has the "point, click, and attack" GUI
    interface, it still runs under Windows 95/98/NT or Linux with X, it still
    is the full metal jacket ninja kungfu action software for hacking Netware
    you've grown to love. Still compiled with 100% freeware compilers using
    freeware libraries with no big corporation SDK assistance, still the same
    GUI in Windows or Linux.
    Ron DuFresne
    On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Mark Maher wrote:
    > You are right - the commercial stuff is very expensive (Bindview, etc.). We have Kane, and I can't recommend it. In fact, the latest version doesn't even work. I would recommend you take a look at Pentasafe. I'm using it now - our NDS tree is about 21,000 objects. They are very good at giving you a full-blown 30-day trial version, and also very helpful with technical assistance. It runs very fast.
    > Mark Maher
    > Ochsner Medical Foundation
    > >>> <petestormat_private> 11/03/01 09:01PM >>>
    > Mailer: SecurityFocus
    > Kane is too expensive, Pandora won't do enough and 
    > Nessus can't cut it.  Any ideas about a Novell network 
    > vulnerability assessment tool.  Need one fast!
    > phs, CISSP
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    > Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which
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    > This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA)
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            admin & senior consultant:
    "Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
    eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
    business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation."
                    -- Johnny Hart
    testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA)
    Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which
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