Re: Need Novell vuln. scanner ASAP!

From: Mark Maher (mmaherat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 09:29:30 PST

  • Next message: miguel.dilajat_private: "Re: How to sniff packets from afar?"

    You are right - the commercial stuff is very expensive (Bindview, etc.). We have Kane, and I can't recommend it. In fact, the latest version doesn't even work. I would recommend you take a look at Pentasafe. I'm using it now - our NDS tree is about 21,000 objects. They are very good at giving you a full-blown 30-day trial version, and also very helpful with technical assistance. It runs very fast.
    Mark Maher
    Ochsner Medical Foundation
    >>> <petestormat_private> 11/03/01 09:01PM >>>
    Mailer: SecurityFocus
    Kane is too expensive, Pandora won't do enough and 
    Nessus can't cut it.  Any ideas about a Novell network 
    vulnerability assessment tool.  Need one fast!
    phs, CISSP
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