Re: NT Password Recovery Bootable CD

From: William Salusky (changeat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 07:20:59 PST

  • Next message: ingebornat_private: "iXsecurity-Cryptanalysis Lucent Orinoco CM"

    I haven't had the opportunity to try it yet, but the very same disk should 
    allow you to mount the NTFS or FAT32 filesystem navigate to the repair 
    directory and dd the file off the machine, or copy to floppy.
    Just Alt-F# to a virtual console and do it manually.
    I'll try it myself shortly to verify that my idea is not crocked.
    Damieon Stark <visigothat_private> said:
    > Greetings all,
    > 	Anybody happen to have a bootable tool like this which is capapble of
    > recovering a copy of the sam._ file?  In many instances (of pen-testing) it
    > would be _more_ useful to be able to recover the passwords un-damaged.  Any
    > ideas?
    > Cheers,
    > -visigoth
    > -- 
    > Damieon Stark, CCSE,CCNA
    > Unix/Network Security Engineer
    > 	Damieon Stark		| Microsoft: Where do you want to go today?
    > e: visigothat_private	| Linux: Where do you want to go 
    > 	p: 612.382.6945		| FreeBSD/Sun: Are you guys coming or what?
    > 	pgp: 0xBE5D0C57		| - To the Nth!
    >		| - The power to serve!
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > I'll see your DMCA and raise you a First Amendment.
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > eot
    William Salusky
    Manager: Security Services
    DMZ Services
    cell: 925-250-6092
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