Re: wanted: a script to try dictionary attacks against NOTES ID files

From: jjoreat_private
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 06:53:22 PST

  • Next message: Erlend J. Leiknes: "Re: firewall appliance help"

    Not really. While hope is not completely lost it will take some coding on 
    your part. I'm working on Notes <-> perl integration and there is some 
    work another person did that is relevant to your question. The thing is, 
    you must write some C code that does an extension manager call back (this 
    is using the Domino C API) and passes in your own custom password. It's at 
    this point that you could turn that into a function and script it.
    Check out for 
    more ideas.
    nobody <pentesterat_private>
    11/19/01 02:56 PM
            To:     pentest_list <pen-testat_private>
            Subject:        wanted: a script to try dictionary attacks against NOTES ID files
    anyone have a perl script -or - other - that will read
    a large dictionary file & try to find the password
    used for NOTES files  ??
    I am hoping that there is a command line options like:
    notes -p password
    or some construct that will allow a large dictionary
    to be tested with multiple NOTES id files.
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