Re: firewall appliance help

From: Erlend J. Leiknes (nookieat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 21:48:23 PST

  • Next message: Sverre H. Huseby: "Re: SQL"

    There is a method called "Dumb scan" which relies on a computer on the
    internet/outside the firewall that arent firewalled (trusted host (If you
    know the ip of a trusted host, then you can portscan internal machines)).
    Get the hping2 utility, and you will find the text in their readme file.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: HA LO <halo7at_private>
    To: <pen-testat_private>
    Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 9:59 PM
    Subject: firewall appliance help
    > I am pretty much a newbie to actual pentesting but not a newbie to
    > I have been lurking on this list a while trying to learn as much as I
    > can.  So here is what I need a little help with.
    > I am trying to communicate/scan with a computer behind one of those
    > appliances.  When I've done an Ack scan it shows that all ports are
    > but all other scans show the ports as being filtered, so I think it is
    > a packet filter and is not stateful.  It probably is also performing
    > NAT.  How can I determine what hosts are live on the internal network
    > and how would I be able to establish any communication with them.
    > What kind of swithes with nmap would I be able to use to determine live
    > hosts behind such a router, and then once I can determine what hosts
    > are up what kind of tools can I use to actually try and test/penetrate
    > such a host through the firewall.
    > Sorry to take up your time with such a newbie question but Ive searched
    > the archives and didnt really come up with a specific solution.  Links
    > or just a push in the right direction would be really appreciated, I'll
    > do the research from there.  Thanks.
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