Re: Brute force .htpasswd

From: Erik Parker (eparkerat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 11:35:43 PST

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    Hash: SHA1
    If you see "$apr1$" this is because of the rework the MD5 authentication
    scheme to use FreeBSD's algorithm. and use a private significator
    ('$apr1$') to mark passwords as being smashed with their own algorithm.
    You'll need to find a cracker that supports it.. Might make your query on
    a freebsd hackers list.
    EP> D V (mysecuriteat_private) DV wrote on Nov 27, 2001:
    DV> If you take a MD5 hash from a Unix/Linux box, the hash
    DV> is beginning whith $1$ (and I think by $2$ in some
    DV> case) but if you are taking a MD5 hash from a .htacess
    DV> (or .htpasswd) file using by Apache, it begins by
    DV> $apr1$. In this case, John and MD5Crack doesn't work
    DV> (I also tried to force the format with -format:MD5
    DV> with john). It tried them on W32 and Linux.
    DV> The MD5 hashes are generating with htpasswd.exe (on
    DV> W32) that is a tool provided with Apache.
    DV> For the example, I have generating a MD5 hash :
    DV> test:$apr1$K2......$0afaV4Pb0N8k1udUVBHo./
    DV> In this case the password is 'test' but I have no tool
    DV> (MD5crack and John doesn't work) that allow me to
    DV> crack this .htpasswd file.
    DV> Any help is welcome. Thank for your help
    DV> Dominique
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