Re: W2K Terminal Services pwd cracker

From: Thorat_private
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 15:10:37 PST

  • Next message: Jose Nazario: "RE: A tool for crafting ESP packets"

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    >Tim Mullen (Thor) is building a tool called TSGrinder.  I don't think it 
    >is avaible yet but you may be able to convince him to let you beta test 
    >it.  He has a couple of other tools out for TS that might interest 
    >you.  Check out
    Thanks for the shout-outs! I saw the original post, but with TSGrinder 
    being in Beta, I thought it best not to reply- I don't like to promote 
    stuff that isn't ready yet :)
    For those interested, here is where I am... The original TSGrinder 
    basically used the TS ActiveX client, and exposed the TSNonScriptable 
    interface via vtable binding in C++... You can also do it in VB, but I 
    didn't know that at the time...
    Anyway, even with the TS ActiveX client scripted, the server setup had to 
    be non-default (you had to allow users to connect w/o requiring manual 
    password entry) and that basically blew.
    Sozni turned me on to a different dll that *does* allow direct manipulation 
    of the send and receive channels of the ts client, and that is what I am 
    trying to figure out.  I'm doing a LoadLibrary() and creating pointers to 
    each function and basically fumbling through determining what the correct 
    parameters are (no libs or anything available- just the .dll) So it is a 
    bit slow going.  I think I'll break down and buy IDA which should help me 
    out some.  We're starting to get a bit snow-bound up here in the mountains, 
    so I should have some time to finish this guy up by XMas. This will also 
    allow me to programmatically check for the presence of a "logon banner" and 
    dispatch it, which would thwart the earlier TSGrinder based on the web 
    client.  We can also by-pass the clients failed logon limit (5?) and keep 
    the channel up all the time, rather than tearing it down each time to 
    failed to log on.  It should be cool.
    Thought I would let you all know the status on the project.  If there are 
    any C++ geniuses out there who have nothing better to do than help me code 
    up a free tool, then let me know!
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