NT/IIS decoy

From: Lambottat_private
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 03:52:34 PST

  • Next message: Alex Butcher (pentest): "Re: Raptor Firewall"

    Does anyone know how to hide or mask the identity of a IIS 4.0 or 5.0 server such that if a "GET" command is issued following a telnet to the server on port 80, the server will display a different server type so as to hide it's true identity.
    I searched the IIS installation drive using the following strings - Microsoft-IIS/4.0 and Microsoft-IIS/5.0
    The result was a file called w3svc.dll which is aparently the IIS world wide web publishing service, I manually stopped this service, backed up the file and then ammended it to reflect my decoy server type, however, next time I attempt to start the service it failed.
    I have heard of honey pot type program that can also achieve my desired result, but never actually played with one myself.
    Has anyone come across this and does anyone know of any solution for what I am trying to achieve.
    Taiye Lambo, CISSP
    Principal Security Consultant
    CyberCops Europe (UK)
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