pen-test environment

From: Carl Bysen (crbymeat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 05:27:33 PST

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    doing quite a few pen tests these days, I've setup an environment for doing basic steps. Most often one gets a domain or a range of ip addresses (phone numbers) to pen test. Based on that some basic steps are done using decent tools like nessus, nmap, nsat, whisker, websleuth ....
    Now I am wondering wheather there's already a open source pen-test environment which includes those steps and uses as backend system above scanners. Included should be some reporting mechanism which categorizes found vulns (low, middle, high risk), includes separating by scan dates, has a LaTeX/ DocBook, HTML/XML output support.
    Maybe someone else has quite a few ideas, like building a whole linux distri which is just used for that.
    Thanks for any comment.
    Carl Bysen
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