Port 1521 aka "Unbreakable" Oracle Server

From: patrik.karlssonat_private
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 02:01:18 PST

  • Next message: Aleksander P. Czarnowski: "RE: Medium Scale Scanning Best Practices"

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    After reading some posts on the lists and looking at the scripts at
    http://www.pentest-limited.com I found that CREATE LIBRARY could be
    really useful when doing a PenTest. This is used to be able to
    create extended procedures. To do this you specifiy which library
    (dll file) you want to use. Then by creating a FUNCTION in Oracle
    you point out the function in the dll you want to run. So one
    could actually create a library pointing to
    %windir%\system32\kernel32.dll and specify the winexec as function.
    Your chances of having that dll on a Windows system are quite big :)
    Using the function created one could actually execute code on the
    server with the same privileges as the user which started the server,
    in Windows this is usually the LocalSystem.
    The above could only be done with a user with CREATE LIBRARY
    permissions. On a default installed Oracle (8.1.5 for Windows) there
    are 5 of 15 default accounts which can do this. You also need to
    know a SID to connect to. This is done easy by querying the Oracle
    Listener using the services query.  If someone has applied a listener
    password, do a status query, you'll get enough info there.
    If this is common knowledge to everyone, sorry for bothering you !
    To be able to do all this smoothly, without having to have the
    Oracle Client installed one could use these java based tools, which
    run on Windows and/or Linux.
    - --
    Patrik Karlsson, iXsecurity
    Version: PGP 7.0.1
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