firewall testing framework/parameters

From: Siddhartha Jain (losttoy2000at_private)
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 02:28:34 PST

  • Next message: patrik.karlssonat_private: "Port 1521 aka "Unbreakable" Oracle Server"

    I am in the process of preparing a framework/parameter
    list on which a firewall would be tested. Here are
    some tests i can think of on which a firewall should
    be tested:
    1. Sustained TCP connections, thoughput & number. Eg.
    2. Short-lived TCP connections, throughput, number,
    connection establishment and tear-down time. Eg.
    3. Sustanied UDP connections (although UDP is
    connectionless), throughput & number. Eg. Streaming
    4. Short-lived UDP communication, number. Eg. DNS.
    5. ICMP RTT at diferent load levels.
    6. SYN Flood test
    7. Connection establishment time wrt to number of
    rules on the firewall.
    8. Filtering and fragmentation 
    - Reaction of the firewall on receiving a TCP packet
    with the RST or ACK flag set.
    - IP fragmentation re-assembly test.
    - Overlap recognition
    9. Are existing checksums for IP, TCP and UDP
    10. A portscan of the firewall IP. Of the servers
    behind the firewall.
    11. Nessus tests on the firewall IP and the servers
    behind the firewall.
    12. All the tests repeated with static NAT enabled.
    13. All the tests repeated with IPSec.
    14. Effect of logging on the these tests.
    15. Attempt to reach denied ports behind the firewall
    when the firewall is saturated. Or in the other words,
    test if the firewall turns blind during a SYN Flood?
    Can you think of more tests for stressing/penetrating
    the firewall. Also, what methodology should be adopted
    to measure the various test results?
    Any help would be appreciated.
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