Pentesting a Citrix Network

From: Franklin DeMatto (franklin.listsat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 03 2002 - 13:53:33 PST

  • Next message: Brass, Phil (ISS Atlanta): "RE: Grabbing the CORE of a Dallas DS-2250 and DS-5000"

    I'm pentesting a network that includes two Citrix servers on Win 2k.  As I 
    have no experience whatsoever with Citrix, I thought I'd ask if anyone can 
    help me out.  The servers listen on port 80, with the following banners:
    HEAD / HTTP/1.0
    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request
    Server: Citrix Web PN Server
    Date: xxxx
    Connection: Close
    They also listen on the 1494 port (which is designated for citrix)
    I was unable to get it to respond to any HTTP request, by hand or with a 
    I'd appreciate if anyone could help me with some of the following questions 
    (again, they may be basic, I have never used Citrix):
    Which Citrix product is it?  Is there a way to fingerprint it?
    How do I get it to respond to HTTP requests?
    Are there any information disclosure possibilites?  How about 
    vulnerabilities (i.e. buffer overflows, etc.)?
    Any help would be very appreciated!
    Franklin DeMatto
    Senior  Analyst, qDefense Penetration Testing
    qDefense: Making Security Accessible
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