mothra2 beta releases

From: methodic (methodicat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 08:25:43 PST

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    Well we have been working hard on mothra2.. some of the new features:
    HTML output
    complete host ranging (scan 192.168.1.*, 66.66-69.66-200.*)
    read hosts from file or stdin (interactive mode)
    scan random hosts (generates random IP address, and runs through a
    linked list to make sure the same hosts arent scanned)
    not too mention a ton of code cleanups and improvements.
    so theres the skinny: its not released yet. we still want to add ipv6
    support, make mothra2 work on more platforms, add more service hooks,
    anyone who has found mothra useful will love mothra2. we would like
    anyone who uses it to check out the new code. remember, this isnt an
    official release, its just a way for people to track mothra2 development,
    and report any bugs/problems they found with it and perhaps suggest some
    we update this tarball quite often, so its recommended you wget it a few
    times a week.
    to make the process a lot easier, i wrote a shell script that will
    download and compile mothra, delete the tarball, and leave you with just
    the executable.. you can get the script here:
    A big thanks to everyone who has emailed us thus far about the first
    release of mothra with bugs/ideas. Its greatly appriciated.
    Enjoy mothra2.
    + methodic >> [] -- -
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