SQL Injection - retrieving all rows

From: mel (meling@scan-associates.net)
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 03:24:59 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Spett: "Re: SQL Injection - data ntext,image cannot group by...."

    I've been able to enumerate over 50 plus tables in a recent pen-test,
    now come the hard part - I want to dump data from the most important
    table that contains user names and passwords. However, the ASP app
    that I exploit only returns one row at a time. Is there anyway to 
    overcome this? 
    I've been looking for apps that return multiple rows (such as search,etc)
    but to know avail. I've tried dumping asp codes using BULK INSERT, but
    the command is only available for system account. Creating an stored
    procedure does not seem to work as well :(
    Now, I'm thinking of writing a script that dump the data one at a time, 
    but I would like the advice from fellow pen-testers first.
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