Re: Scanners and unpublished vulnerabilities - Full Disclosure

From: Pierre Vandevenne (pierreat_private)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 15:02:59 PDT

  • Next message: Drew: "Re: Scanners and unpublished vulnerabilities - Full Disclosure"

    Hello Alfred,
    AH> conversations on-list about full-disclosure. I'm of the opinion it's a
    AH> religious discussion with little or no merit for debate given that people
    Religious ??? Full disclosure is public nudism. Non-disclosure usually
    ends up in strip-tease for a happy few.
    AH> In brief they are now unloading limited details to the public about
    AH> vulnerabilities they have notified vendors about.
    One week may be, in some cases, to short to expect a reliable fix.
    Pushing vendors could lead to fixes that are buggier than what they
    fix, or break other things. But yes, this is an understandable middle
    ground and they address a real problem.
    AH> the Pen-testing community is that these vulnerabilities which are in the
    AH> process (presumably) of being fixed are actively being coded into the
    AH> Typhon II Vulnerability Assessment Scanner from NGSSoftware. This
    Fair enough. They have a competitive advantage. They deserve it. Which
    other company would sit on a competitive advantage and not use it ?
    If they were telling us they are not using their knowledge, would we
    believe them ? Would we trust them ?
    Best regards,
     Pierre                            mailto:pierreat_private
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