Default passwords for TSO and CICS ?

From: Rainer Duffner (
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 14:03:58 PDT

  • Next message: Cold Fire: "Re: Default passwords for TSO and CICS ?"

    same site, other host.
    Why someone would world-expose a IBM-Mainframe to the internet (23/tcp) is 
    beyond me, but perhaps they don't know about x3270. ;-) 
    Anyway, when I open a session, I am presented with several options: 
    LOGON userid            TSO
    CICSI                   integration CICS
    CICSP                   production CICS
    CICST                   test CICS 
    (and there's the company-logo on top, but I omitted that :-] ) 
    I must admit that I don't no either of the above OSs - I have limited 
    experience with zVM/CMS (-> ipl Linux S/390), but some of the usual default 
    accounts I tried didn't work.
    Does anybody know some TSO default accounts, if any ?
    Or CICS ? 
    Rainer Duffner                   Munich          Germany        Freising
        When shall we three meet again
      In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
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