Re: Determing Microsoft Exchange Versions..?

From: Simon Waters (Simonat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 08:35:48 PDT

  • Next message: Pete Rotheroe: "Re: Looking for Info"

    omegatronat_private wrote:
    > While I'm at it... is there a way to restrict this information from outgoing messages when using Exchange? Saw a few messages last week that explained how to mask the Exchange server banner, but not for mail headers and such...
    I find running mail through Postfix and the following line in
    the badheader file....
    /^X-Mailer:.*/ ignore          
    But that is technically an RFC infringement, as envelope
    elements are sacrosanct, but I guess that was more important
    when lots of external relays were passing mail around. You need
    some extra entries to hide internal mail servers, but it isn't
    rocket science.
    Of course running mail through Postfix probably wasn't the
    solution you were after, and I had to kick Postfix to stop
    sending standard Postfix bounce messages, and banners. The
    hacking guru's will spot Postfix a mile off from the way it
    backs of when it encounters errors in the SMTP protocol, but by
    that time it has probably already sent a message to the
    administrator about the abuse it is getting or will do shortly.
    WatchGuard's SMTP proxy will rip out a lot of this kind of
    information leakage for you as well (although you have to check
    checkboxes to make it happen), and no doubt other good firewall
    products do the same. Of course if you rip out this information
    in too distinctive a fashion you give yourself away, witness the
    versions of BIND 9 that reply to authors.bind but not
    version.bind, when the version string has been redefined.
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