Re: Using a Stand-Alone Network Printer as a network attack entry point?

From: R. DuFresne (dufresneat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 09:30:04 PDT

  • Next message: David S. Morgan: "RE: Digital UNIX 5.60 recourses"

    Most printers in a tcp/ip setting have all the network functionality
    enclosed.  I recall years back when I would slip into a UofM printer,
    then telnet off that into a printer at Mankato State, and telnet off
    So, if you can reach the printer <which, if the network folks know their
    stuff, yer not able to get to from the outside, and should be forbidden
    to go outside from if you are sitting within the soft-chewy center>, yer
    already there <smile>. Jetdirect cards have never been a security
    item...why even try to reinvent the wheel?  Unless I'm misunderstanding
    you here.
    Ron DuFresne
    On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Nick Jacobsen wrote:
    > Hi all...
    >     I came up with an idea, one that I've never heard discussed, of possibly
    > modifying a stand-alone network printer (like most of the high-end office
    > printers, hereafter referred to as a "SNP") to act as a full point to point
    > proxy, or at least a simple pass through to the port and IP you specify in
    > some sort of configuration.  The idea here would be to take a SNP and modify
    > a ROM image for the specific printer to include the proxy functionality. I
    > realize this could turn out to be quite difficult, but at the same time, it
    > would provide a way into the internal network when no others are available.
    > Any comments are most DEFINITELY welcome, flames less so, but if it's a
    > stupid idea, let me know...
    > Nick Jacobsen
    > nickat_private
    > ethicsat_private
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