Citrix pentesting ideas

From: Gareth Bromley (gbromleyat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 08 2003 - 14:02:27 PST

  • Next message: wirepair: "Re: Citrix pentesting ideas"

    As subject:
    Got some projects involving Citrix (also I guess MS Terminal server) coming
    up, and was pondering some ways to subvert the desktop when the file sharing
    option has been disabled.
    So far I've come up with the following ideas:
    - Using the clipboard copy feature, copy an archive of exploit(s) to the
    local PC clipboard, and then paste onto remot desktop.
    - If this dont work due to OLE/Binary transfer issues, how about same
    concept as above, but first UUEncode (or another means to turn binary into
    text) the archive, then copy and paste and UUDecode the other end?
    Any got any experience of either of these? Or other means?
    As an aside, how about ways to interrupt running spawned scripts, say runing
    a perl script through inetd, that just dumps data and then closes? I was
    thinking Ctrl+C, Z etc... ot use telnet's send brk, ip, .... however on
    testing on Linux and Solaris these dont work as I thought. Any ideas??
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