Re: Citrix pentesting ideas

From: wirepair (wirepairat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 09 2003 - 09:11:57 PST

  • Next message: wirepair: "Re: Citrix pentesting ideas"

    You can always open up a dos command prompt and paste it 
    in. Using copy.exe. (My friend told me this idea):
    copy con heh.exe
    ctrl Z
    this will work as long as the binary doesn't have a ^Z 
    character in it. Good luck,
    On Sat, 8 Feb 2003 22:02:27 -0000
      "Gareth Bromley" <gbromleyat_private> wrote:
    >As subject:
    >Got some projects involving Citrix (also I guess MS 
    >Terminal server) coming
    >up, and was pondering some ways to subvert the desktop 
    >when the file sharing
    >option has been disabled.
    >So far I've come up with the following ideas:
    >- Using the clipboard copy feature, copy an archive of 
    >exploit(s) to the
    >local PC clipboard, and then paste onto remot desktop.
    >- If this dont work due to OLE/Binary transfer issues, 
    >how about same
    >concept as above, but first UUEncode (or another means to 
    >turn binary into
    >text) the archive, then copy and paste and UUDecode the 
    >other end?
    >Any got any experience of either of these? Or other 
    >As an aside, how about ways to interrupt running spawned 
    >scripts, say runing
    >a perl script through inetd, that just dumps data and 
    >then closes? I was
    >thinking Ctrl+C, Z etc... ot use telnet's send brk, ip, 
    >.... however on
    >testing on Linux and Solaris these dont work as I 
    >thought. Any ideas??
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