
From: Alfred Huger (ahat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 09:15:32 PST

  • Next message: stonewall: "Netstumbling - thanks for replies"

    Hey all,
    Each year CansecWest rolls around I post to this list to plug it. I do
    this because this conference is one of a dying breed. Its still highly
    technical and bleeding edge yet almost entirely free of vendor sales
    booths (and salesmen). This year seems almost tailored to the Penetration
    Tester. The speakers (some of whom I have listed below) should provide
    some very interesting talks.  As mentioned here are some of the speakers
    which speak to pen-testing issues:
    Dan Kaminsky - Strange cool things about TCP/IP
    Fx of Phenoelit - Attacking networked embedded systems
    Fyodor - Advanced network reconnaissance techniques
    Halvar Flake - Automated bug detection
    Jobe - Shellcode2k3: Advancements in design and autogeneration
    Jose Nazario - Internet trust evaluation using distribtion stats
    Nicolas Fischbach - Router Forensics, DDos/Worm technology
    Lance Spitzner - Evolutions in honeypot technology
    Ron Gula & Renaud Deraison - Distributed Vulnerability Scanning
    The Gruqq - Defeating Forensic Analysis
    The conference runs in April and you can find more information on it at:
    As per usual, Id love to meet any of you who are going for a beer.
    Alfred Huger
    Symantec Corp.
    Are your vulnerability scans producing just another report?
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