Where is a Free Copy of ISO17799?

From: Richard Ginski (rginskiat_private)
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 09:54:39 PDT

  • Next message: McElroy Richard: "RE: Webdev fuss so what?"

    Since many pen tests/vulnerability assessments can be based on ISO17799, I am asking this list for information. 
    I have looked all over for a copy of this "industry standard". The only places I have found it offered is where it is offered as a purchase....along with a toolkit. Seems to me that if you have an "industry standard' it should be freely available so that "industry" can follow it. Otherwise, if the only means to obtain the standard is by purchasing, it should be considered a proprietary work and not an "industry standard".  (my .02)
    I am only interest in downloading/reading the standard. Can someone please provide a link to where the standard is freely downloadable? Thanks in advance.
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