Scanning - anyone got ball park timings?

From: Mark Phillips (markat_private)
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 06:26:59 PDT

  • Next message: Brewis, Mark: "RE: Secure Home Networking?"

    What are peoples experiences of time scales when scanning ranges of hosts?
    OK, so I know that's a "how long is a piece of string", but if people can
    say what sort of times they're getting for a given size of IP range and
    given type of scan, that would be helpful.
    I've been running a "SANS 20" policy scan from ISS Internet Scanner 7,
    across the Internet, and am seeing timings like 16 hours for 1700
    addresses found. Is this realistic? Is this quick or slow? If it's slow,
    do people have any hints and tips about how to speed up the whole process?
    Any pointers muchos appreciated.

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