Re: Cold Fusion and Sql Injection

From: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino (jfernandezat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 02:11:56 PDT

  • Next message: Cesar: "Re: Cold Fusion and Sql Injection"

    morning_wood wrote:
    > mby some help at
    I fail to see how your pointer (to an exploitation of a XSS 
    vulnerability in Coldfusion using iframes?) relates to the original 
    question (SQL injection + Cold Fusion).
    Answering George, I would suggest that this is _not_ an error of Cold 
    Fusion input validation but of a stored procedure being used in the SQL 
    server. Probably, the cold fusion engine just calls an procedure in the 
    SQL server with the input as parameters and the code in there is the one 
    trying to do the conversion.
    Notice that you are only seeing ODBC-SQL server errors, no errors code 
    from Cold Fusion there so it looks like Cold Fusion is passing things 
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