Re: Honeypot detection and countermeasures

From: Dragos Ruiu (drat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 19:48:14 PDT

  • Next message: Lance Spitzner: "Re: Honeypot detection and countermeasures"

    On June 23, 2003 06:58 am, Rob Shein wrote:
    > This wouldn't work.  Seeing the packets/traffic on the wire doesn't tell
    > you the tools that are used, and it also doesn't really give you much else.
    > Considering that a honeypot is either not really rootable (DTK) or is very
    > low hanging fruit (and very rootable, like a system), they
    > either won't see tools downloaded to the system or won't see anything more
    > than the bare minimum needed to exploit a system that is too vulnerable to
    > begin with.
    Putting on my Honeynet Project hat...
    I think you presume too much about honeypots.
    There are _many_ varieties of honeypots.
    Some more rootable than others, some more detectable than others.
    And it's also possible to instrument them with many other monitoring 
    systems besides just sniffing traffic in and out. I'll leave the specifics
    as an excercise for the reader.... :-) but they range from running inside
    vmware to instrumented os loads and even special hardware in some 
    Lately the Honeynet Alliance folks have been deploying
    other systems besides your typical low hanging fruit. Different 
    honeypots gather different data. It all depends on what you
    are trying to catch.
    Beware the Jabberwock...
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