Re: About windows 2000 + sam

From: jussi jaakonaho (jussiat_private)
Date: Sat Aug 02 2003 - 07:24:52 PDT

  • Next message: Peteris Krumins: "Re[2]: ISDN wardialer"

    > keys" when you can  use a utility that been around since January 1996
    > (Windows NT 4.0 Beta 1).
    -actually rdisk it has been around far longer than that.(but this is not
    actually relevant for the original topic/question),for nt4 it's roughly
    around that date.
    > All you need is a copy of rdisk.exe, beleive me it works.
    -it works, true.
    for what's the point: sometimes it is faster to move small ascii files
    than binaries if doing remote testing, and because it can be done in that
    and if doing remote testing and binaries can be moved then it is better to
    use /s- than plain /s (..and if doing testing, is it useful on w2k with
    current tools? ;-))
    not sure though if the original aim was doing testing though.

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