Hello Josh, Friday, August 1, 2003, 8:43:38 PM, you wrote: JR> Any ISDN modem that responds to AT commands, such as the old JR> Courier I-modem, attached to a PC ought to work just fine with any JR> of the wardialers out there that expect standard AT-compatible JR> (analog) modems. If you don't have one handy there are several on eBay JR> for <10 bucks... e.g. JR> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3425225118&category=14923 Wardialer - is it a software or hardware? If software then it's as simple as 123 to code a tool which dials up different dialup numbers and does the job. P.Krumins --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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