Kerberos DoS (Windows 2000)

From: Ian (dispacctat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 11:38:45 PDT

  • Next message: Joe Skaboika: "Nessus NASL + Canned Exploit database"

        Anyone out there found an easy (script-kiddie) way to demonstrate this
    as a genuine vuln during a test? I've googled but can't find an exploit for
    this other than the text reading ...
    ----------------------=[Detailed Description]=------------------------ 
    By creating a connection to the kerberos service and the disconnecting
    again, without reading from the socket, the LSA subsystem will leak
    memory. After about 4000 connections the kerberos service will stop
    accepting connections to tcp ports 88 (kerberos) and 464 (kpasswd) and
    all domain authentication will effectively have died (if the target
    was a domain controller).
    It requires a reboot to recover from the attack.
        Since everyone on the list should know by now my programming abilities
    stopped at 'hello world' any pointers would be gratefully accepted.

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