cisco password (analysis)

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 18:17:04 PDT

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "bsd lpd overflow (work in progress - not working)"

    (This is how I'd like "in-depth" discussion of plugins to be redacted.
     This plugin is not really interesting by itself. I could not come up 
     with a better idea though).
    (I'll occasionaly post some explanations of this kind for some plugins I
    liked to write. This one was not fun, but it's simple to explain)
    Level : EASY
    Tested : YES, but against only one version of IOS.
    Description :
    This plugin determines if the remote cisco router has a password set
    (or if the password is "cisco"). To do that, it :
    	- connects to the remote telnet port
    	- sends the password
    	- issues the command "show ver"
    	- and expects to see the string "Cisco Internetworking Operating
    	  System Software" in the reply.
    This plugin does not contain the description part. So if you want to
    test it, do :
    	nasl -t cisco_no_pw.nasl
    And expect the string 'Success'.
    Let's have a look at it. Once again, this is no rocket science at all.
    - The actual testing of a password is done through a function we call
      'test_cisco()' which is defined as :
    function test_cisco(password, port)
     # we open a connection to the remote port
     soc = open_sock_tcp(port);
      # if that succeeded, we use telnet_init() to negociate the
      # telnet session. We don't care about the banner, so we
      # ignore the result
      r = telnet_init(soc);
      r = recv(socket:soc, length:4096);
      # we send our password, followed by \r\n (carriage return)  
      send(socket:soc, data:string(password, "\r\n"));
      # we receive the motd that we ignore too (might be user defined)
      r = recv(socket:soc, length:4096);
      # then we issue the command 'show ver'
      send(socket:soc, data:string("show ver\r\n"));
      # we receive the result
      r = recv(socket:soc, length:4096);
      # if the result contains "Cisco Internetwork Operating System" then
      # we consider ourselves as logged in, and we issue an alert
      if("Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" >< r)security_hole(port);
    Then the plugin itself determines the telnet port and calls
    test_cisco() :
    # we read in the knowledge base what is the value of the
    # telnet port. If there's none, we assume it's port 23
    port = get_kb_item("Services/telnet");
    if(!port)port = 23;
    # Then if the port is closed, we go away
    # We test for an empty password
    test_cisco(password:"", port:port);
    # We test for the password "cisco" :
    test_cisco(password:"cisco", port:port);
    # Finished.
    Next time, I'll choose a better plugin.
    				-- Renaud

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