Re: cisco password (analysis)

From: Noam Rathaus (noamrat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 06 2001 - 14:59:15 PDT

  • Next message: John Lampe: "MS OWA vulnerability"

    The idea is not to brute force, but rather centralized standard used
    passwords, such as Guest/Guest, Administrator/, etc... rather than looking
    for them inside plugins.
    The accounts.txt should not include more than 20-40pairs.
    Noam Rathaus
    Know that you're safe (against Code Red and other vulnerabilities):
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Renaud Deraison" <deraisonat_private>
    To: <plugins-writersat_private>
    Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 15:57
    Subject: Re: cisco password (analysis)
    > On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 11:09:14PM -0000, Noam Rathaus wrote:
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > Will this API be ready for Nessus 1.1?
    > This can be done. However, I'm not really convinced about the need for
    > brute force attacks plugins, except while doing a pen-test.
    > Most of the time, you'd better off logguing in the system, extract the
    > password base, and bruteforce the passwords locally.
    > But if people see an interest in doing that over the network, well, I
    > guess I'll implement get_next_username() and get_next_password() (or
    > whatever I'll call them)
    > -- Renaud

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